Support for Women in Agriculture and Environment
SWAGEN is an indigenous organization founded and owned by grassroots women in Uganda. The organization came into existence in 1998 out of felt need. Although the period spanning 1986-1990 saw a proliferation of women NGOs the majority were national level.
They engaged in grassroots operations without performing adequate consultations, needs assessment and problem analyses.
Our Program is holistic and interconnected in nature. We address Gender Equality, Solid waste management in slum areas for WASH, food security and nutrition security access and governance, climate change adaptation and mitigation.

Gender Justice through economic, development and climate justice
SWAGEN believes that Women’s rights to access, control and own productive resources individually are unequivocal. The organization mobilises grassroots women to challenge structural, institutional and socio–cultural barriers that hinder women from this pursuit.

Solid Waste Management in Slum Areas of Kampala
The project employs the strategy of reducing, recycling and re-using solid waste as a tool for adaptation and mitigation of Climate Change by the urban community.

Food Security and Food Sovereignty: Promoting Agro-Ecology as the viable solution for food security challenges
SWAGEN advocates for a transition to agroecology as the food production model in Africa as opposed to industrial agriculture. Agroecology is a people-centred system of sustainable